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Product Launch Formula Email Series – Part 3 – Waiting List Notification

On this page, you will find the third part of the email formula for a product launch that will:

  • Let your recipients know the benefits of early access.
  • Give your waiting list access to register for your product.
  • Make the recipient know it's not accessible to anyone.

Just fill in the blanks on the right sidebar. Then you will have an entire customized product launch email sequence template. Get access with ConvertScripts.

This sequence is part of a 4-part series. View the other sequences here:

  1. Part 1: Free Workshop Invite
  2. Part 2: Free Workshop Attendance
  3. Part 3: Waiting List Notification (<< You are here)
  4. Part 4: Open cart

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More about this product launch email formula

In order for a product launch to be successful, there are important steps to take. One of the steps is to announce your product. And one way to do that is through emails. Now, we have found a surefire way to announce your course with this 4-part email formula for product launch. In total, you get 13 emails!

In this product launch email formula you will make your prospects interested with a free video workshop. After they watch the videos, you will introduce your product and offer them to get on a waiting list. The prospects on the waiting list will get an exclusive opportunity to register for your product. Then you will begin to sell your course to them. You will offer discounts, second chances, and bigger discounts at the end.

This sequence is part of a 4-part product launch email formula series. View all the other sequences here:

  1. Part 1: Free Workshop Invite - Invites your prospects to sign up for a free video workshop.
  2. Part 2: Free Workshop Attendance - Provides the content the recipient signed up for and invites them on a waiting list for your product.
  3. Part 3: Waiting List Notification (You are here) - Information about the product and how to access it.
  4. Part 4: Open cart - Start selling your product and increase urgency.

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The goal of the waiting list notification

The sequence on this page is the second in a 4-part email formula for product launch. You should use all four parts to have a well-rounded launch.

After your segmented prospects have watched your free workshop, they opted in for a special waiting list for your upcoming product. In this email, you give the link to your VSL and early access to your product. Then they will get the next sequence of emails. The open cart sequence (part 4).

Get inspired by more product launch sequences using this style of funnel right here: