"Convertscripts - Write your copy 10 times faster with our templates"

Get access to our handpicked library with proven marketing examples of 6-7 figure email sequences, funnels, sales pages and ads:

Customize Template

Fill in this form to customize your template:

The name of your product/service is ____.

I'm selling a (course/service/software tool/etc) ____.

I help ____.
(Ex: B2B companies, unhappy couples, clickfunnels users, etc)

Amazing Deal for_____.
(Ex: [only $79] or [25% off], etc)

This offer is only available until_____.
(Ex: This Friday or July 29th at 11:59PM EST)

I help my audience ____.
(Ex: build a predictable stream of new leads, create a succesful marketing agency etc.)

My YOUR_AUDIENCE struggles with____.
(Ex: thinking of new campaigns for clients, writing new adcopy for clients, etc.)

The main challenge causes my YOUR_AUDIENCE to ____.
(Ex: feel exhausted at the end of every day, binge eat when you get home, hear crickets after launching your product, etc.)

Another solution my YOUR_AUDIENCE uses to solve their problem is ____.
(Ex: Social media (instead of email marketing), A Workout Plan (instead of A Diet Plan), etc.)

I would not advise the competing solution to my YOUR_AUDIENCE because ____.
(Ex: The ROI for Email Marketing is 10X higher than Social media, Weight loss results are 80% determined by your diet and only 20% by your workout routine, etc.)

This product or service will____(use a specific number if you can).
(Ex: (1) generate a high converting email sequence in seconds, (2) generate a custom mealplan based on your bodytype, etc.)

My product is different because ____.
(Ex: it is based on PROVEN email campaigns (not made up stuff), we cost 50% less than any other tool our there, etc.)

Most people have doubts mostly because they wonder if ____.
(Ex: the email copy will really work, the recipes will taste good, etc.)

Product Launch Sequence

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  • All the proven copy templates you will ever need for email sequences, facebook ads, google ads, headlines, subject lines and more
  • Never worry about writing marketing copy again and write 10x faster
  • Convert more visitors into customers and increase your marketing profits
  • Get the power of a copywriter without paying their $100 hourly rate
  • Perfect for yourself or clients. Great for marketing agencies, freelancers, copywriters & funnel hackers to save time, get inspiration and results