What is focus keyword? (Ex: google ads agency, new york plumber, etc.)
Your company name is ____. (Ex: Emaildrips, MailChimp)
This product or service will____. (Ex: (1) generate a high converting email sequence in seconds, (2) generate a custom mealplan based on your bodytype, etc.)
The name of your product/service is ____.
What category does your product fall under? copywriting software, beauty products, etc
I help ____. (Ex: B2B companies, unhappy couples, clickfunnels users, etc)
I help my audience ____. (Ex: build a predictable stream of new leads, build a succesful marketing agency etc.)
Your product helps customers to _____ (For example: write effective email copy fast and easy)
My audience struggles with____. (Ex: thinking of new campaigns for clients, writing new adcopy for clients, etc.)
My biggest competitor's name is ____.
Use this link to login (For example: emaildrips.com)