Have you been searching for Google Display Ad Examples? Well, look no further. We have collected some of the TOP Google Display Ad Examples for Services, Ecommerce, Information: course and summits, and software that we think you really need to see.
Why use Google Display Ads you ask?
- - Increase your marketing ROI
- - Target the relevant audience with retargeting campaigns
- - Easily see campaign results
- - Build brand awareness
- - Be able to track and monitor your ad engagement
Scroll down if you would like to see some of the Top Ranking Google Display Ad examples in 4 different business categories from some of your favorite companies. For each of these Google Display Ad example we have listed what we like about them, what can be done better, and who these ads are targeted towards. These Google Display Ad examples can be used as inspiration for your own ads.
What we will cover in this guide:
What is a Google Display Ad exactly?
Google Display Ads are visual banners that help you to reach your audience while they are browsing websites, checking their Gmail, using mobile devices, apps and more based on their previous activities through paid advertising. This allows you to show users ads before they even start searching for what you offer. Display ads help to catch users attention while they are already in the buying stage. Google Display ads are also a retargeting method for potential buyers who have previously visited your website.
Scroll down if you would like to see some of the Top Google Ad examples in 4 different business categories from some of your favorite companies. For each of these Google Ad Examples we have listed what we like about them, what can be done better, and who these ads are targeted towards. These ads can be used as inspiration for your own ads.
24 Best Google Display Ad Examples
Below you will find some of the best Google Display Ad Examples that we have collected to serve as inspiration to you. These Google Display Ad Examples come from top ranking companies that you are sure to have heard of and may have seen before. We will be giving you an insight into what we think is good about each ad, what we think can be improved and who these ads are targeted towards based on the ad tips also provided below.
Keep Scrolling to see our Google Display Ad Example collection. Find out what we like about each Google Display Ad Example and what may need a bit of improving.
Best Display ads for Ecommerce
1. Nike
Nike is a company that creates an produces activewear. Theses items include, shoes, clothes, and accessories.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for viewers interested in athletic attire and may have searched for these specific items before from the company’s website.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - Monotone colored background makes the images and text stand out
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple, right to the point and not overloaded with images and text. Viewers will know exactly what the ad is about when they see it
- - Original product images from the company
What could be improved?
- - There is no CTA button to indicate to users what you want them to do.
- - Additional information could have been added to make viewers more interested
- - A product benefit could have been listed as well
2. Wayfair
Wayfair is an ecommerce furniture home décor company that sells everything you need to bring your home design dream to life. This company also produces home accessories such as appliances, cookware and more
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for viewers who may be or have been searching for new furniture items for their homes.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button in the middle of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Colored background makes the product images stand out
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
- - Original images from the company
What could be improved?
- - There could have been a benefit listed on the product being shown in the ad
3. Gymshark
Gymshark is an online retail fitness apparel and accessories brand that caters to both men and women.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for viewers who may be looking to purchase new athletic wear for gym training. And for viewers who may have already looked at this website or one of its competitors.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - Value proposition can be seen in the text
- - CTA button in the bottom of the ad
- - Simple background makes the models wearing the items stand out
- - Original images from the company
What could be improved?
- - There could have been a product benefit listed in the text
- - There could have also been information on the products themselves such as the materials used to made them
4. Samsung
Samsung is a multination company that strives to "create the future". This company produces everything from home appliances and smart devices to laptops and much much more.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is targeted towards viewers who may be interested in upgrading and getting a new tv for their homes or offices.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button in the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
- - Original images from the company of their product
What could be improved?
- - There could have also been information on the product itself
- - There also could have more emotional triggers to make the user wat to buy from you over the competition
5. LG
LG is a multinational electronics company. This company makes everything from laptops and mobiles devices to tv and much more.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for viewers that are looking to purchase a new laptop. Or for viewers who may have been searching for a new laptop from this brand or another.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after seeing your ad
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button tells viewers what you want them to do
What could be improved?
- - There could have also been information on the product itself
- - The CTA button could have stood out more and looked more as a button so that viewers new what to do from the ad
6. Huawei
Huawei is one of the worlds leading information and communications technology providers. Huawei produces technology in infrastructure and smart devices.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for businesses that may be looking for a new UPS system.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button in the middle of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Original images from the company shows some of the available products
What could be improved?
- - This ad could have used emotional triggers to get users more interested in buying
- - This add could have also addressed the audience and used a more conversational tone
Best Display ads for Software
7. Shopify
Shopify is a platform that allows businesses to set up, sell products and manage your own online store. Shopify work with multiple methods of sale such as over social media, in store, online etc.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people that would like to create and grow their own online businesses. Also for business that would like to grow their businesses and start selling online.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button in the middle of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Text can be seen and read clearly.
- - Viewers will now exactly what this ad is about
What could be improved?
- There could have been more attention grabbing colors used
- There could have also been more interesting images
8. HubSpot
HubSpot is an all in one marketing software company that has a platform of sales, marketing, CRM and customer service that can be used to help grow businesses. With this software you can use tools to help your company with social media, email, marketing automation and more.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who would like to learn about a platform that will assist them with their marketing and help t grow their business.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - Multi-colored background makes the text stand out
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
What could be improved?
- - There is no CTA button to tell viewers what you want them to do
- - There could have been a relevant image or different colors used to grab attention.
9. Elementor
Elementor is a web design platform that allows you to build websites and web pages using a drag and drop interface.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after
- - CTA button in the middle of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Colored background makes the images stand out
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
- - Simple design with interesting graphics
What could be improved?
- - There could have been brighter interesting colors used in the image to make it more eye catching and stand out more
10. Vimeo
Vimeo is an online video a streaming website that lets users upload and promote videos. The platform also allows you to customize your videos.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for users who are searching for ways to manage, create and edit their video content.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - CTA button in the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
What could be improved?
- - The text could have given more information on the software and how to use it
- - The could have been benefits to the software listed
11. Drip
Drip is an ecommerce marketing automation platform. This platform focuses on CRM and utilizes email and SMS marketing by gathering customer data and using it to make personalized omnichannel customer journeys.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button in the middle of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do from seeing your ad
- - Colored background makes the text stand out
- - Eye Catching and bright colors used
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
What could be improved?
- - Their could have been slightly less text as, though informative, it makes the ad look a bit crowded.
12. Grammarly
Grammarly is a digital writing assistant that helps to write clearly and in a more effective way.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who would like a tool that will help them to write better and by correcting their grammar and spelling as they are writing their text.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - CTA button in the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Solid colored background makes the images and text stand out
What could be improved?
- - The image used could have had more color to grab viewers attention and to make the ad stand out more
Best Display ads for Courses & Info products
13. Digital Marketer
Digital Marketer is a company that provides tools and training to become a better marketer. Be able to grow your sales and transform your marketing team with trainings and certifications in lead capturing and revenue generations.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who would like to learn and develop new marketing skills in a training program provided by a well known marketing platform.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - CTA button present on the ad
- - Simple, colored background makes the product images stand out
- - Text is bold and can be read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
What could be improved?
- - The ad could have used brighter colors to grab the viewer's attention
- - There could have been relevant images in the ad to get viewers more interested
14. Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone is founder and CEO of Cardone Enterprises. He is a professional sales trainer that provides training on how to grow sales by customizing the sales process more effectively.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who would like to get training on sales growth by a professional sales trainer.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - Two colored background makes the product images stand out
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
- - Original images from the company
What could be improved?
- - The background could've had brighter colors to make the ad stand out more and to grab attention
- - There could have been more information in the ad to tell viewers what it is about and why they should click it
15. Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, a #1 best selling author and a life and business strategist.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who would like to receive guidance from a well known business strategist who can help them with their own businesses. Also for people interested in going to live webinar session from a professional life coach.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand after having seen your ad
- - CTA button at the bottom of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
What could be improved?
- - There could have been more information in the ad to tell viewers what it is about and why they should click it
16. Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo is life coach, an entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author for books on advice. She hosts an award winning online show. MarieTV, were she talks about and gives training on practical ways to become the person you most want to be
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who may have a dream business in mind and would like help / information on how to make that dream a reality.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - CTA button in the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Solid colored background makes the ad eye catching
- - Text is bold and can be seen clearly.
- - Original images from the company
What could be improved?
- - There could have been more information in the ad to tell viewers what it is about and why they should click it
17. Udemy
Udemy is an education website where people can take online courses such as programming, design, communication, personal development and more from high-rated instructors.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is targeted towards business owners who may be interested in giving their employees new or updated train sessions.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand
- - Solid colored background makes the text stand out
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
What could be improved?
- - There could have been more information in the ad to tell viewers what it is about and why they should click it
- - The CTA should look more as a button to stand out and not blend into the text.
18. NY Institute of Art & Design
NYIAD is a an online school where students are able to take various art and design course and end with a certificate to further their design careers.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for anyone who is interested in earning their degree online or to earn a certification online.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button
- - Solid colored background makes the text and image stand out
- - 2and can be seen and read clearly.
What could be improved?
- - There could have been statistics in the ad for eg showing how many people used this program to encourage viewers to click
Best Display ads for Services & Coaching
19. Disney +
Disney + is Disney's very own exclusive movie and tv show streaming platform. On this platform you are about to watch all content owned and created by Disney.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who are interested in a getting streaming service for movies specific to this brand
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button
- -Solid colored background makes the text and image stand out
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
What could be improved?
- - There could been a a short list or image of movies that can be streamed in this site
- - There should be information on the cost of this service
20. Spotify
Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs and different kind of podcast. This streaming service is used by millions of people all around the world.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who would like to get a music streaming service that the whole family can use for one price.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand Value proposition is listed in the text
- - CTA button at the bottom of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Solid colored background makes the text stand out
- - Text can be seen and read clearly.
- - Ad is simple and right to the point
What could be improved?
- - The text in the ad could have been a different color as they slightly blend into the background
- - The background of the ad could be a brighter color to grabs viewers attention
21. Prime Video
Prime Video is Amazons own exclusive movies and Tv shows streaming platform. Amazon creates its own original content that can only been seen if subscribed to their service.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who are looking for a movie streaming service and may have looked at one of this company's competitors
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - CTA button tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Solid colored background makes the images and text stand out
- - Text is clear.
- - Ad gets right to the point
- - Original images from the company
What could be improved?
- - There should be information on the cost of this service.
- - There could also be a list of benefits to this service
22. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the worlds largest professional network that provides users with means of finding the right job, connecting with others and building relationships and teaching you skills needed for your future careers.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for business who would like to learn how to and start researching buyers purchasing decisions .
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand logo is visible
- - CTA button tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Colored background makes the product images stand out
- - Text is bold and can be read clearly.
- -Ad is simple and right to the point
What could be improved?
- - There could have been a brighter color used in the background to grab viewers attention.
- - The CTA button could have been a solid color to make it stand out more and encourage viewers to click it
23. Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai is one of the oldest and largest teaching hospitals in the United States. They have an integrated healthcare system providing exceptional patient care to both local and global patients.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people that would like to help, support and donate to the health care workers on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What makes this ad good?
- - Company name is visible which helps viewers to remember your brand
- - CTA button tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Text can be seen and read clearly.
- - Gets right to the point
- - Original images
What could be improved?
- - The text at the bottom of the ad could have been written in a bigger font as viewers will not be able to read it
24. Netflix
Netflix is a movie, TV- series streaming service known and used worldwide. This is a subscription based service that allows its users to stream or download its contents commercial free on any internet-connected device.
Ad Copy:

Who is this ad for ?
This ad is for people who may be searching for a movies and series streaming platform to enjoy.
What makes this ad good?
- - Brand name is visible
- - CTA button at the bottom of the ad tells viewers what you want them to do
- - Monotone colored background makes the text stand out
- - Text is bold and can be seen and read clearly.
What could be improved?
- - There could've been more information on the streaming service in the ad
- - There could have been pictures in the ad to draw in viewers attention
- The background and text could've been brighter colors to make the ad more eye catching
5 Google Display Ad Tips
Below we have collected 10 Google Display Ad Tips that you absolutely need to consider when creating your ad. We have also pointed these out in our Google Display Ad Examples. These tips will help you create quality ads that will grab attention and stand out from the rest.
- 1) Structure - your display ad should be recognizable from a normal web pages content. Your ad must also be adaptable to all sized screens. Your value proposition and CTA button should be most recognizable in your ad. Every ad should have:
- Your brand logo and name
- A value proposition
- An image or visual representation of your service
- A CTA button
- 2) Color - Colors are most important for attention grabbing and to invoke emotions. People associate colors with brands. Use a slightly different color per target audience.
- 3) Typography - The most relevant information should be clear and readable. Users must be able to read and understand your text or your message will not come across as intended and users will not click on your ad. Challenges and solutions should be emphasized using bold to make it stand out and grab users attention.
- 4) Keep it simple - Be straightforward and get your message across quickly and clearly. Keeping it simple has proved to be most effective. Seamless design creates a better user experience which in turn creates a better user experience and leads to conversions.
- 5) Customize your Images & Graphics - Images give information about your brand and what your company has to offer. Do not use images just as space fillers. They should be relevant to your ad and serve a purpose. Use original and customized images to grab attention and increase interest in your ad.
Google Display Ad Specifications
In addition to seeing our Google Display Ad Examples to know how your ads could turn out, you also need to know to some more Google Display Ad details. When creating your Google Display Ad you will need to know the exact specifications for the design, text and technical aspects. We have collected and listed these specification for you below.
- Technical Specs (Site-Served)
- - 300x250
- - 300x60 (YouTube Reserve companions)
- - 300x600 (Zagat only)
- Formats:
- - .GIF, JPG, PNG*
- - HTML5 allowed for AdWords standard display formats
- - Max File Size 150KB
- - Max Animation Time: 30 seconds (all animation, including loops, must stop at 30 seconds)
- - Audio: No sound
- - Border: Creatives with partially black or white backgrounds must have a visible border of a contrasting color.
Banner Sizes:
- - 250 x 250 – Square
- - 200 x 200 – Small Square
- - 468 x 60 – Banner
- - 728 x 90 – Leaderboard
- - 300 x 250 – Inline Rectangle
- - 336 x 280 – Large Rectangle
- - 120 x 600 – Skyscraper
- - 160 x 600 – Wide Skyscraper
- - 300 x 600 – Half-Page Ad
- - 970 x 90 – Large Leaderboard
- - 320 x 50 – Mobile Leaderboard
In conclusion, Google Display ads are a retargeting method for potential buyers who have previously visited your website. In this post we have shown you 24 of some prime Google Display Ads Examples that we think will give you the inspiration that you need. We have also listed tips and have given you the exact specification that you can use as inspiration for creating your next Google Display Ad.
If you've enjoyed this read and these Google Display Ad Examples and would like to see other ad examples, such as Facebook Ads Examples, then be sure to check out our Ads Library.
Have any feedback for us on our Google Display Ad Examples Post? Let us know in the comments below. And if you would like to get more post like this one and / or get more Ad inspiration, Join and Become a Member to gain access to our very own Ads Vault and more!
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